Old Ways of Being to New Ways of Seeing


Mary Crewe (ed)


Higher education, anti-discrimination, religion, identity


Discrimination is a worldwide phenomenon that cuts across communities, cultures, religions and societies. Throughout the centuries, people in almost every context have faced discrimination based on gender, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, race and other factors. Religion, which ought to propagate and promote peace, unity and reconciliation, has unfortunately contributed to conflict, intolerance, religious violence and discrimination globally. Taking cognizance of its own checkered history of exclusion over the years, in 2017 the Faculty of Theology and Religion adopted as its centenary theme “Gateway to __ ”. The idea was to reflect on ‘open gates’ which speak to the deliberate desire to promote equity, inclusiveness and diversity. With regard to this endeavour, the Faculty has travelled far in working for justice, inclusivity and transformation.

The University of Pretoria has adopted a comprehensive anti-discrimination policy. One aspect of the initiative to publicise the policy was that the Faculty of Theology and Religion spearhead a drive to examine anti-discrimination from a faith perspective. Thus, in September 2021 the Faculty hosted a webinar that addressed various themes of anti-discrimination. This publication is an outcome of that initiative, in which some Faculty staff members contributed to conversations about anti-discrimination from different angles.


  • Introduction
    Prof Jerry Pillay
  • Violence against LGBT+ communities in Uganda
    Prof Jaco Beyers
  • Why do you see my ethnicity, gender and class, instead of my need?
    Prof Zorodzai Dube
  • Embrace the rich mosaic of diversity
    Prof Ananda Geyser-Fouché
  • Faith diversity at UP: Non-theological arguments
    Prof Christo Lombaard
  • Centralisation and forbidden sex
    Prof Esias Meyer
  • The role of black liberation theology: A refocus on race
    Dr Hlulani Mdingi
  • Rape as an expressive form of sexism, sexual harassment, and gender-based violence
    Prof Maniraj Sukdaven
  • Ethnicity, not ‘race’
    Prof Ernest van Eck
  • To not discriminate: Advocating a nonbinary approach to women, the womb and gender
    Prof Tanya van Wyk
  • Index
Old ways of being to new ways of seeing



5 July 2022

Details about the available publication format: Full PDF

Full PDF

ISBN-13 (15)
