Food for Academic Thought
"In a 'spoon in cheek' manner, I can honestly say this is a cookbook that the wizards at the National Roasting Foundation will approve of. In fact, this is so off the scale that their top chef rating of A1 cannot be applied. In all probability, they will have to create a brand-new rating category because if not, their whole system will go pear-shaped. I say this because FOOD FOR ACADEMIC THOUGHT is a transdisciplinary alchemy like no other – a cure for all ivory tower diseases – both known and unknown. This is the case because it is underpinned by 'vreetsaamheid', a theoretical framing that has the potential to rival that old Education Faculty Favourite, Bronfenbrenner, as a cure for all things 'angazi' that we have to have to ingest and digest continuously. But I digress. In all dishonesty, I did try concocting some of the concoctions the Department of SMTKS EDUCATION are peddling in this book. And as a double-blind reviewer, it made me appreciate, from the start, the raw data that was used to arrive at the main findings. Without wanting to sound saucy, the findings were definitely fish or flesh or something else. This book, which I know will bring in sweet subsidies, deserves, in my view, to be used as the prescribed book for all functions, fiestas, fetes, funerals, fits, fergaderings, festivities and all other Faculty occasions serving food."
Prof Johan Wasserman
HoD Humanities Education
Declaration of Originality
EatiCAL Clearance
Editing Certificate
Abstract and Pear Review
List of Abbreviations
Research Meatodology
Research Design
Chapter 1: Preliminary Findings(Starters including soups)
Chapter 2: Raw Data(Salad et al.)
Chapter 3: Main Findings(Savoury and satisfying)
Chapter 4: Plant Based(Often with research onions)
Chapter 5: Secondary Data(Sides)
Chapter 6: Bake-ground
Chapter 7: Concluding Remarks(Puddings and desserts)
Chapter 8: Open Sauce(All things saucy)
Chapter 9: Incidental Findings(Miscellaneous)
Chapter 10: International Collaborations