Does Distance Education in the Developing Context Need More Research? Building Practice into Theory (Volume Two)


Folake Ruth Aluko (ed)
Daniella Coetzee (ed)


Distance education, higher education, e-learning, research


This book focuses on distance education research, a dire need in the field, especially in Africa and other developing contexts. 'Distance education' in this book has been used as an umbrella term for any form of education in which there is a separation between the teacher and the learner, which necessitates the use of media. The authors from a range of African countries and international experts who have had a stint of their career in developing contexts, borrowing from their wealth of experience, discuss research trends in distance education in their milieu, identifying the gaps and how this mode of delivery can be strengthened. By so doing, their passion for quality which has been a major area of concern in the field was brought to the fore. They have reiterated the fact that it is possible to enhance quality in this mode of delivery by not only conducting research but also applying its findings to theory, practice, and policy. The book is the second of two volumes. 


  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword
    Moeketsi Letseka
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 14
    Distance Education Research Trends in Cameroon
    Michael Nkwenti
  • Chapter 15
    Challenges Facing Distance Education in Nigeria: Envisioning a Future for Its Research and Practice
    Samuel Babalola
  • Chapter 16
    Towards the Development of a Framework for Distance Education Continuous Professional Development Programmes: The Case of Eswatini’s Certificate in Online Teaching for Educators (COTE)
    Karen Ferreira-Meyers
  • Chapter 17
    Questioning the Effectiveness of Distance Education in Africa: Future Actions for Research and Practices
    Angela Ndunge Kamanga, Florence Kisirkoi
  • Chapter 18
    Scoping Open and Distance Higher Education Scholarship
    Lynette Jacobs, Nelia Oosthuysen, Charl Wolhuter
  • Chapter 19
    ODL Research in South Africa: An Analysis of Research Levels and Publication Vehicles towards the Development of a Context- Specific ODL Research Framework
    Jennifer Roberts
  • Chapter 20
    Trends and Gaps in Distance Education Research
    Tony Mays
  • Chapter 21
    Enhancing Quality in Distance Education through Research-Based Quality Assurance Approaches
    Ephraim Mhlanga
  • Chapter 22
    Ethics in Research Supervision in a Distance Education Context
    Mmabaledi Kefilwe Seeletso
  • Chapter 23
    Quality Matters and Ethics in Distance Education Research
    Margaret Funke Omidire
  • Chapter 24
    Conclusion: Quo Vadis – Stock Taking and Reflections on Researching Open, Distance and Digital Education
    Santosh Panda
  • Biographies
  • Index



15 December 2023


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ISBN-13 (15)
