Tangible Heritage Conservation: Three years of success towards changing the context of African conservation


Salomé le Roux (ed)


Tangible Heritage Conservation


The Tangible Heritage Conservation programme is based at the School of the Arts and within the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Pretoria (UP). This is the first such programme offered at a university in sub-Saharan Africa and was inaugurated in 2019. It’s launch is the culmination of many years of developments which converged at the proverbial ‘right place at the right time’.

In this publication, the first three years of the Master’s programme in Tangible Heritage Conservation are documented through three annual reports, curriculum layouts, and photographs. It outlines the coursework that forms part of the programme and explains how the programme was taught during the COVID-19 pandemic. The book also includes a selection of students’ assignments, showcasing the research skills developed through the course.


  • Chapter One: Introduction
    Salomé le Roux, Isabelle McGinn
  • Chapter Two: Year Reports
    Salomé le Roux, Maggi Loubser
  • Chapter Three: First Year's Perspectives
    Laura Esser, Daniéle Knoetze
  • Chapter Four: Modules' Layouts and Assessments
    Isabelle McGinn, Maggi Loubser
  • Chapter Five: Discovery Kits
    Salomé le Roux, Isabelle McGinn
  • Chapter Six: Students' Theses Titles and Abstracts
    Salomé le Roux
  • Chapter Seven: Students' Assignments
  • Chapter Eight: Conclusion
    Salomé le Roux, Maggi Loubser



29 July 2022

Details about the available publication format: Full PDF

Full PDF

ISBN-13 (15)
